Self-driving cars in the future with up to 130 km/h

Self-driving cars in the future with a speed of up to 130 – UN committee is considering a decision

There are currently strict requirements for the operation of autonomous vehicles with regard to maximum speed and framework conditions. However, there is movement on the subject.

The so-called international expert committee for automated and networked driving of the UN Economic Commission (UNECE for short) has agreed to increase the maximum speed for autonomous driving - in certain traffic situations such as traffic jams or slow-moving traffic - from 60 to 130 kilometers per hour. This was reported by the UNECE on Thursday in Geneva. In addition to increasing the speed limit, lane changes will also be permitted in the future.

The application submitted still has to be approved by the UNECE World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations.
This will meet from June 21 to 24, the approval is considered a mere formality. As reported recently, only Mercedes-Benz is currently represented in the German market with an autonomous vehicle. So far, the speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour has also applied to Mercedes. In addition, the driver must be able to actively intervene in the steering process at any time.

The first ordered vehicles with the s.,g. "Drive Pilot" system will be delivered by Mercedes in the summer. Other manufacturers such as Honda are bringing similar models onto the market in Japan and will shape future streetscapes with them.

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